Tabasco Sauce Review


In my continued journey through the world of hot sauce, it’s only right to include the venerable sauces, the ones that have been around forever. Most of the sauces that I have had have only been around for a handful of years. Tabasco has been around for over 150 years.

They must be doing something right. They are on restaurant tables all over the world. It must be an amazing sauce, right? Right?

Well… I don’t like it. Probably one of my least-favorite of the “grocery store” sauces. It’s almost all vinegar in the flavor to me. When I put the sauce on the wings, the smell of vinegar filled the kitchen. Considering that I don’t like the taste of vinegar all that much, and I honestly hate the smell, I wasn’t a fan of this. And yes, I realize that every hot sauce I’ve had has had some form of vinegar as one of the top ingredients, but many of them “hide” the flavor of the vinegar with other flavors. Tabasco almost seems to go out of their way to feature it.

And beyond the bitter bite of vinegar, I didn’t get much flavor of peppers. It’s like they used one pepper for a gallon of vinegar.

It’s not overly hot. It’s on the lower end compared to most of the sauces. So, this can be used by people who don’t really like much in the way of heat.

I am glad that the bottle is small. I will go through it quickly and that will be it. If you’re a fan of vinegar (and I know some people are, and that’s fine. You’re free to enjoy the flavors you enjoy), you’ll like this one.

Suggested dishes: considering the straightforward nature of the sauce, you could use this on a wide variety of things, from tacos to pizza to burgers to wings to whatever else you might want.

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